HEKS is therefore supporting 1750 families - irrespective of their religion and nationality - and households whose houses and flats are within a radius of two kilometres from the source of the explosion, and which have therefore been hit particularly hard by the disaster. These families receive three monthly payments of 200, 250 and another 250 francs («unconditional cash»). The instalments were paid in September, October and November. This will enable them to provide themselves with essential goods such as food and hygiene products. This immediate measure is being implemented by the long-standing local HEKS partner organisation «Najdeh».
HEKS/EPER is also helping with the restoration of badly damaged buildings, including the community centre of the HEKS/EPER partner organisation «Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East» (UAECNE) in Beirut.
Supported by Swiss solidarity, HEKS/EPER has been providing humanitarian aid in Lebanon for many years, including for Syrian refugees and guest families. Besides, as part of church cooperation with Reformed partner churches, HEKS/EPER also supports afternoon schools, basic and continuing education programmes for employees, local church parish initiatives to integrate refugees and recreational activities for children and young people. HEKS/EPER is also active in Syria, providing emergency aid for thousands of internally displaced persons with the help of local partner organisations.
Swiss Solidarity is helping to fund the current emergency aid project as well.