Jobs bei HEKS
Stefan Bohrer
About us

Are you looking for a meaningful job with progressive working conditions?

Working at HEKS/EPER

Swiss Church Aid (HEKS/EPER) offers an attractive work environment for a range of different professions. There are numerous technical specialists working together on over 250 projects in an interdisciplinary and cross-sectional manner at the HEKS/EPER headquarters in Zurich, in the six Branch offices and in more than 30 countries on four continents. We set great store by a stimulating work environment and the ongoing professional development of our staff. At HEKS/EPER, there are people all around the world working for people from all over the world – with commitment and competence.



A number of volunteers campaign for social justice and integration through HEKS/EPER projects in Switzerland. Are you too looking for a way of volunteering to help people in difficult life situations? You can find volunteering opportunities here at HEKS/EPER.


Assignments abroad

HEKS generally works with local partner organisations abroad.

During major humanitarian crises and for specific mandates HEKS sends personnel abroad from Switzerland. These are professionals with many years of international experience.

Open positions are published under Vacancies.

No volunteer missions

Thank you for your interest in volunteer work. Assignments are possible in some HEKS programmes in Switzerland. In that regard please visit the web pages of our Regional Offices.

Swiss Church Aid does not offer any volunteer assignments abroad. In Palestine/Israel, Honduras and Colombia, however, we support organisations that promote peace operations. «Peace Watch Switzerland» offers the opportunity to become a human rights observer in these countries. Further information can be found on the website or send an e-mail directly to

    Organizations for foreign assignments

    The following organizations can also assist you with a foreign assignment:

    • SDC, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Tel.: +41 (0)58 462 34 75, Fax: +41 (0)58 464 16 91,,
    • cinfo, Professions in international cooperation, Zentralstrasse 121, Postfach, 2500 Biel, Tel.: +41 32 365 80 02, Fax: +41 32 365 80 59,,