Neue Gärten Bern
Annette Boutellier
Canton of Bern

Allotment gardens for migrants

New Gardens Berne

The «HEKS/EPER New Gardens» project is intended for migrants in the Canton of Berne. The project provides meaningful occupation for participants and helps them structure their days. Besides, they are exposed to local customs and are able to improve their knowledge of German.

Putting down roots in the new homeland

HEKS/EPER leases allotment gardens at different locations around the Canton of Berne and works them together with migrants. Participants cultivate the plots by and large independently, drawing on their own personal gardening experience. They learn about organic farming and discuss the cultivation or exploitation and use of herbs, fruit and vegetables. Gardening experts and volunteers accompany these processes and support participants in their personal development. Besides, the garden is a place for socializing and making new contacts that go beyond just the garden fence. The programme also caters for the children of participants, who are thus able to spend some of their free time outdoors.

If you have further questions
Contact us

Branch office Berne
New Gardens Berne
Lea Egloff
Bürenstrasse 12
P.O. Box 1082
3000 Bern 23
Tel.: +41 31 385 18 47

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