Brückenbauerinnen Gundeli (HEKS Nr. 520.027)
Sabine Buri

Empowering parents – nurturing children


When families with a migration background must also grapple with factors such as poverty and/or limited education, parents are often unable to accompany and support their children in their development process owing to the lack of resources. Under this pilot project, they are therefore empowered in their role as mothers and fathers by trained intercultural mediators.

Outreach work with parents

Parents with children up to the end of primary school age, who for various reasons are ill-equipped to accompany and support those children in their development and education, are assisted by intercultural mediators in understanding the local education and health care systems, in getting to know and making use of schemes for pre-schoolers and school-age children and in accompanying their children as best they can in their development process.

Experts from the education and health sectors can also interact with the intercultural mediators so as to further enhance their intercultural skills. The outreach pilot project thus helps to avoid misunderstandings and improve the developmental and educational outlook for the children being assisted.

If you have further questions
Contact us

HEKS/EPER Regional Office for both Basels

Irene Zwetsch
Pfeffingerstrasse 41
P.O. Box
4002 Basel

Tel. Straight line: 061 367 94 48

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