HEKS Neue Gärten Westschweiz
Mathieu Martin
Vaud, Geneva and Neuchâtel

Integrating migrants through gardening

EPER New Gardens

The New Gardens are intended for migrants, and for refugees in particular. Having recently arrived in Switzerland, they are often isolated and have not yet been able to develop a social network. The project offers them and their children regular activity that is good for their health and morale and allows them to socialize while practicing French.

Putting down new roots and learning French

The project promotes the social integration of migrants through the management of an organic vegetable garden. A small garden is allotted to beneficiaries as a way of enhancing their self-reliance and confidence in their own resources. Outdoor physical activity strengthens the body and boosts self-esteem. Workshops are organized to address practical matters with participants and enable them to expand their social networks and practice the rules of life in community in a family setting. This activity also encourages them to learn and practice French. Nature-related activities are also organized for the children of beneficiaries.


Further information in French

If you have further questions
Contact us

HEKS/EPER (Swiss Interchurch Aid)

Marc Caverzasio
Chemin de Bérée 4A
Case postale 536
1001 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 613 40 70

New Gardens - Registration 2017

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New Gardens Romandie