HEKS/EPER and its local partner organizations FPDI and PRR support an innovative school feeding model in hard-to-reach community schools in Grand'Anse. These are too geographically isolated to benefit from direct support from the national school canteen program. Therefore, the communities started building a fully localized model. The purchase of food, the selection of menus, their preparation and the financial management are entrusted to women led school feeding businesses and to designated management committees. The project supports a partnership and an exchange of experiences between all the actors involved. This should make it possible to consolidate the school canteens as a fully autonomous community initiatvie and share their experience with other communities in Haiti.
Initially, 3500 primary school students benefit from the new school feeding model, and more than 70 women will earn an income as cooks and canteen managers. Thanks to the promotion of local production, the project also benefits around 400 producers.
Students receive two balanced meals at their school during terms, mothers earn an income, and the local economy is stimulated.