The «HEKS/EPER MosaiQ» office Aargau supports qualified migrants with advice and support in the areas of diploma recognition, practical skills assessments and catch-up education. It provides participants with individual assistance as well as administrative support. Qualified migrants are assisted in bridging the gap between their skills and Switzerland's job market requirements - thereby improving their chances of being able to use their professional potential in Switzerland as well.
The target group in the canton of Aargau is currently concentrating on persons who came to Switzerland as part of family reunification. Persons from the asylum sector are covered in Aargau by the Office for Migration and Integration launched pilot project "Expert advice and implementation support for migrants (FUM)".
Further information in German
Contact us
Branch office Aargau/Solothurn
MosaiQ Aargau
Stephan Probst
Augustin-Keller-Strasse 1
P.O. Box
5001 Aarau
Tel.: +41 62 836 30 10